Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Best new website ever

Our friend Karen commented that we were her connection to the outside world, as she has no DVR or Cable...well Karen, I'm here to brighten your world. I have discovered Hulu.com. This is a joint website of NBC and Fox that allows you to view every TV show and movie they've ever produced FOR FREE. They'll also let you manipulate the shows and link to them on your website, which only Susan knows how to do. I'm not that smart.

They don't just have new shows, they have your old childhood favorites, like Fantasy Island, Facts of Life, Newsradio. And if you miss an episode currently showing and *gasp* you don't have a DVR (hello???) you can go to this website to watch it. This could be as life changing as my DVR. View on!


Karen said...

Woman, you ROCK. Now I can watch all the good shows (still expecting you and Susan to tell me what they are), and take my cable/dvr savings straight to the mall.

Shelly said...

Karen, I HIGHLY recommend a show called Journeyman. It aired this year and it's status is unknown since the strike but it's a fabulous show. Very smartly written (hence the reason it didn't do well on network TV) and strong acting.
If you've read the book The Time Travelers Wife, it's very similar.
And I'm assuming you've seen The Office (hasn't everyone?) but perhaps not. So if not, start watching that one and 30 Rock from the beginning. Hilarious sitcoms!

Susan said...