Sunday, July 13, 2008


My friend Nancy told me two weeks ago about this book she'd read called Twilight. I had never heard of it before. Now I'm hooked and I can't stop reading the books (there are three so far, number 4 is out this month).

The story is about a high school girl, Bella, who falls in love with a high school boy, Edward, who just happens to be a vampire. A good vampire. But the focus is not on the sci-fi angle, it's a love story and it's amazing. The way this woman writes had me hooked from the very sentence to the last. I read it in one weekend and it's over 600 pages (although it's a fast read because the writing is simple and the type large). I can only plagerize Entertainment Weekly magazine to sum it up best. The writer said that he could "feel Bella breathing" when he read the book, and it's so true. You feel like you're there. It's amazing.

I also just read that the writer, Stephenie Meyer, is a Morman housewife and these are her first books. They are written for a young adult audience, so there's no sex in them (in fact it's interesting how the vampire angle has allowed her to avoid that). And I have to say that the books are actually better for it. The connection between the two main characters is so hot that sex, written poorly, would make it cheesy.

Lastly, they have made the first book into a movie that premieres on 12.12.08 (the movie poster is above). If anyone wants to go with, Nancy and I will be in line at 6am.

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