Monday, October 20, 2008

Rachel Getting Married

My friend Jen and I recently saw this in New York City. I could tell we weren't in Minneapolis because people laughed all the way through the film and in Mpls I'm afraid there would have been awkward silences. It's a strange film. I loved some parts and hated others.
First, it's filmed like someone is using a camcorder half the time. And it feels a bit like you're at a second cousin's wedding whom you hated. Sometimes the people are extremely boring and drone on.
There are great scenes with Anne Hathaway however. She really is as great as the critics say...when they let her have the screen. I recommend waiting for the rental so you can fast forward through the boring parts because there is a really interesting storyline around the intricacies of family and how we hurt most those we love the most.


CinemaGirl said...

Thanks for sparing me. Hate to spend moola for the big screen when it's not necessary. My big weekend viewing was Madagascar 2 with the kids and unless I'm cinematically deprived and don't know it, it was really stinking funny. And since you're on the subject of wedding genre films, I'd like to know your Top Five wedding movies.

Karen said...

Shel--have you either seen or read Love in the Time of Cholera?

Shelly said...

Karen, I have not, do you recommend? I have heard of it.

Karen said...

ACK, no, and no. The book won a bunch of awards, and you know how I read, but it took me over a month to wade through the book. Rented the movie about halfway through (hoping that it would justify ditching the book) and was just mad, furious, PISSED at how they warped the stupid, tedious book, making me feel that I had to go back and finish it for myself.

I guess I just wondered if someone who sees more film that I would have a different perspective.