Sunday, March 1, 2009

Some good Oscar flicks

The Reader. I read this book a long time ago, but couldn't really remember the details so when going to the film it felt new. But now having experienced both I recommend you read the book first (if you are going to read it, and I recommend you do). The book allows you take in all the things the characters are thinking that is oftentimes the missing link when seeing the film. And the movie does make you think! It's not lite fare, if you really want to get something out of it. I do love Kate Winslet, she is the next Meryl. I knew she'd get the Oscar, not just for the Reader but for both her outstanding performances this year!

Milk. This film was also exceptional and Sean Penn really transformed himself for it. It has some great supporting cast members too...Josh Brolin, Emile Hirsch and James Franco. Sean's Oscar doesn't make up for his and Emile's snub last year for Into The Wild but it was good to see some recognition finally!


Karen said...

Going to the library today!

Karen said...

I'm 50 on the waiting it good enough to go out and buy?

Karen said...
