Thursday, August 23, 2007

Movie reviews for the family

If you're like me, you're often wondering whether or not it's ok to take your children to a movie. It's hard to find out what's in a movie before you go see it. (Susan, remember when you, Nancy and I took 5 year old Allie to see Kate and Leopold?? Oops)

I found this Christian website that gives solid movie reviews and tells you just how much sex and violence is in a movie so you know if it's ok to take the kiddies!!


carey said...

yeah. i took josh to transformers and now he keeps asking me, in a shaky voice at bedtime, "why did God make monsters and robots?"

oops. bad mommy. bad mommy.

Karen said...

We use this all the time! As a result, our kids hardly ever get to see anything...

Anonymous said...

At what age do I have to take my kids OUT to a movie? The last movie I saw OUT was the cowboy thing with you two [Shel/Susan].