Monday, July 23, 2007


I took my 6 year old daughter to this one and she absolutely LOVED IT. From the very start she was hooked by the energy and fun . Who wouldn't be energized by Tracy Turnblad's enthusiasm and passion for life? Kennedy was giggling and clapping and jumping out of her seat.

The movie is PG and they do a great job of making it safe for 6 year olds.

All the music was wonderful, very few "slow" moments like in many musicals so it kept Kennedy interested. The dancing was so fun.

The most fun parts were of course John Travolta as Edna Turnblad and Christopher Walken as Wilbur Turnblad. Michelle Pfeiffer was great as the mean Velma Von Tussle. It was fun to see John Travolta and Michelle Pfeiffer dancing and singing again...brought back great memories of old Grease viewings!!
Four stars!!


carey said...

i'm assuming you took kennedy because there was no way in hell nathan was going?

thanks for the review...but i don't think anyone in this house will go with me.

transformers anyone?

Shelly said...

I can't remember the last time Nathan went to a movie with me. Not his thing. I go with girlfriends and sometimes by myself.